Class 1 and 2:
- teaching the communicative value of grammar
- open learning sessions including exercises, games and impulses for oral conversation and written texts
- Drama activities: roleplay, storytelling, dramatising and music, groupwork.
- E-learning: previously taught topics, grammar and vocabulary are practised via electronic activities designed by the teacher (See more...)
- SBX and the use of the computer for presentations
- Class 2b: Cultural exchange project with Stratton
- “Let`s all dialogue!” Creative conversation activities during our pool sessions
Class 3 and 4:
Extension/Continuation of our methodology used in class 1 and 2
- Focus on getting learners to do creative things with language – radioplays, storybooks, poetry…
- Open learning: learners are motivated to “learning by doing”
- European Language Portfolio as a record of learning experience – introduction in class 3
- Drama activities: staging a full-length play
- Media competence: integration of media education into our English lessons
- Class 4: language training in England for one week
- Classes 3 and 4: E-mail contacts with pupils from U.S.
- English theatre: students watch plays performed by Vienna`s English theatre